Saturday, March 3, 2007

Protein and your kidneys....

I didn't think this debate still existed, but apparently it does. It's come to my attention as of last week that there are CLINICAL dieticians out there who still believe that high(er) protein diets strain or harm the kidneys. Don't believe me? Think it's impossible that there are still registered dieticians out there who still believe this myth? I give you Exhibit A: part of an e-mail I recieved from a local dietician last week.

"In addition, having a diet high in protein puts unnecessary strain on the kidneys and liver which "x" will most likely need during a pregnancy some day."

Huh? This debate just won't go away. It ranks right up there with Jon Stewart vs. Tucker Carlson. Well, I'm gonna put a stop to it right now. High protein intakes DO NOT cause undue strain or damage on the kidneys. Jon Stewart however, rules.

In a review titled, "Dietary protein intake and renal function," published in Nutrition and Metabolism, September 2005, Martin et al concluded, and I quote:

"Recent trends in weight loss diets have lead to substantial increases in protein intake by individuals. As a result, the safety of habitually consuming dietary protein in excess of recommended intakes has been questioned. In particular, there is concern that high protein intake may promote renal damage by chronically increasing glomerular pressure and hyperfiltration. There is, however, a serious question as to whether there is significant evidence to support this relationship in healthy individuals. In fact, some studies suggest that hyperfiltration, the purported mechanism for renal damage, is a normal adaptive mechanism that occurs in response to several physiological conditions. This paper reviews the available evidence that increased dietary protein is a health concern in terms of the potential to initiate or promote renal disease. While protein restriction may be appropriate for treatment of EXISTING renal disease, we find no significant evidence for a detrimental effect of high protein intakes on kidney function in healthy persons after centuries of a high protein Western diet."

So can we please put this myth to rest......FINALLY!?!?!

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