Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I love sled dragging...

And by "love" what I really mean is, "I'd rather drink a bucket of my own vomit." Which is fitting, because that's what I feel like doing (vomiting) everytime I finish dragging the sled.

In all seriousness though, sled dragging has got to rank right up there with watching a Golden Girls marathon or eating a bowl of brussell sprouts. Heck, I would even go as far to say that repeat viewings of Brokeback Mountain would be better.

In case you haven't picked up on my sarcasm....I hate sled dragging.

[Side Note: I really don't hate them, but dammit they kick the crap out of me sometimes.]

And just so I actually write something that is somewhat useful: if you're a guy and can't perform at least 5 solid pull-ups, then you shouldn't be dedicating an entire training day to arms. Instead, you should be concentrating on getting stronger (or losing some weight)! Spending 45-60 minutes doing nothing but isolation bicep curls or any other of a dozen bicep movements designed to get your "peak" won't do jack squat as far as getting rid of that belly. Nor will it get you stronger. And no matter how tight of an Underarmour shirt you wear, you still look like a tool.