Thursday, July 26, 2007

RD's and Protein (again)

Usually when I hear some RD (Retarded Dietician)....haha, did you catch that? I said retarded dietician, instead of registered dietician. Get it? Okay, shut up....I thought it was funny.

Anyways, whenever I hear some RD say something like "I wouldn't want to be your kidneys" in response to the fact that I advocate high(er) protein diets for myself and for my clients, I usually have to fight off the urge to put them in a half nelson and have them cry "uncle, uncle" before I let them go.

I find it comical that certain RD's "know" that high protein diets are dangerous or damaging to the kidneys; especially considering there is absolutely no scientific proof stating otherwise in healthy individuals. So the next time you come across this dilemma here is your retort:

"If you sprain your ankle, it will hurt when you walk; does that mean walking is bad and we should all stop doing it?"

[enter crickets chirping]

***Thank you to Miserere (from the t-nation forums) for that awesome analogy.

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