Thursday, June 28, 2007

Have a Clue...

A word of advice to any personal trainers who happen to read this blog: KNOW YOUR CLIENTS and what they're capable of.

I was watching another trainer last night put her client (also female) through a plyometric workout. Plyometrics for ANY "newbie" is questionable, but this was just brutal. I literally cringed when I saw this trainer have her client perform alternating lunge jumps. Each time the poor girl jumped up in the air and landed, her hip would internally rotate and her knee would cave in x 50 times. I was half expecting to see an ACL injury right then and there. It did not look pretty. Donald Trump dressed in drag would have looked prettier.

I will never understand why some trainers will use advanced training protocols with de-conditioned clients. It just doesn't make sense. We as fitness professionals NEED to know our clients and what they're capable of doing. Someone who is fat doesn't need some advanced fat loss program which includes HIIT and complexes and what not; they just need to freakin move. Advanced programs won't help them shed fat any quicker. Someone who can't even land correctly, doesn't need to be doing advanced plyometric training; they need to strengthen their posterior chain (rack pulls, pull-thru's, lunges, squats, etc), and just get stronger in general. Basics people, basics,

1 comment:

Kevin Larrabee said...

I think it is because that the more advanced exercises they make their clients do, the better they look/ more they feel like they are a great trainer.