Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Perform Better in Providence

1. Gray Cook has really impressed me. He has an uncanny ability to take really complex concepts and dumb them down to the point where you’re like “huh…that makes total sense.” He’s also hilarious in a Jeff Foxworthy, “I’m a redneck, but I’m still waaaaaaaaay smarter than you” kind of way.

I first heard him speak last March in Boston, and I was able to catch his lecture on “core” training this past weekend. What was great about the lecture was that it wasn’t really a core training lecture, but rather a lecture on how the deadlift is an invaluable exercise. The “core” runs from the thighs to the scapulae (it’s NOT just the abs), which is an important distinction. A strong core is one that can transfer force through the hips to the shoulders. This is where the deadlift comes in. Cook went through numerous progressions from teaching people a proper hip hinge all the way up to loading them. And one very, very, very important point that he made….people NEED to lift heavy. Thank you!

2. We have one mouth and two eyes and ears for a reason. I was fortunate enough to attend the speaker BBQ Saturday night in Providence with Eric Cressey. Talk about a humbling experience. We arrived and walk into the back pool area and the likes of Mike Boyle, Alwyn Cosgrove, Robb Rogers, Mark Verstegen, Gray Cook, and a plethora of other top names in the industry are walking around. To be able to walk around and sit and listen to these people talk is nothing short of awesome. Keep your mouth shut and listen. Trust me, you’re not that special…..;o)

3. After listening to Mike Boyle speak on Sunday, I am convinced that the majority of people do not need to be running. “You get fit to run, you don’t run to get fit.” Women imparticular probably would be better off not running: wide hips, narrow knees (Q-angle) just spells disaster for most (not all). Personal trainers: if you have limited time with clients, interval training will not only be superior from a fat loss standpoint, but will undoubtedly improve AEROBIC conditioning as well.

4. Jimmy Smith is convinced that all of the world’s problems are due to adrenal fatigue. Fat loss plateaus: adrenal fatigue. Rosie O’Donnell constantly acting like a bitch: adrenal fatigue. El Nino: adrenal fatigue.

5. Slide Boards: probably one of the best pieces of equipment you can use for interval training. They don’t take up a lot of space, they’re great for team training environments, and you’re able to train the adductors/abductors simultaneously. Honorable Mention: AirDyne Bikes.


Jimmy Smith said...

Adrenal fatigue.....that's all I need to say.

Kevin Larrabee said...

Hey guys how about saving some of this for The FitCast? :)